...Up where they stay all day in the sun, Wanderin' free - wish I could be, Part of that world." -- The Little Mermaid.
Friday was gorgeous, sunny and 69°, so most of the day was spent on the beach. Of course I got up (Pat was still sleeping) and was out on the beach by 6:45 so I was able to watch the sunrise. No unusual, or big shells but I walked a couple of miles looking.
Pat came down in the afternoon to support my shell art, but he got put to work. I thought I had more shells than I knew what to do with, but my mermaid ended up bigger than I had planned so I had to send Pat out for more, lots more, shells. I made it too close to the shore and the rising tide so I had to work fast. I had fun and had several compliments. I didn't have time today but next week I'll try my hand at sand castle building. Tomorrow is going to be rainy and cooler. It will be a good day to finish the last of 7 library books that I had placed on hold.
Where do I start? |
Pat found a huge cargo ship. |
Does anyone know what creature buries itself in the sand as the tide recedes? It leaves a pattern on top of the raised sand that looks like a sand dollar or starfish
This was the only spot that had these ripples. |
This Great Blue Heron didn't move as I walked past. Maybe he was busy checking himself out in the "mirror."
I still had to jump over the scour. |
Looks like rocks, but it was an area with massive amounts of very small shells and shell pieces. It all came in with the tide overnight. |

I had 2 special places to return to in Galveston, Coastal Grill and Home Cut Donuts. I told Pat he needs to remind me that I need to limit my trips to Home Cut. We've already been twice! If you go after a certain time, buy one get one free, which I did on Mon. On Thurs. I repeated, but she had 3 left so she gave me all 3 for 90 cents. My youngest son told me that you never refuse a free dessert, so of course I had to accept it.
Everyone knows I love treats, but are probably surprised that as well as being a picky eater, I'm as picky about my treats. My favorite donut is a powdered sugar cake donut. But, not just any. Home Cut Donuts has a cake donut that is absolutely perfect. I was trying to explain to Pat how the donut is cooked so that the outside has a little crunch to it, but not dry at all. Anyway when we got home today I offered the last one of the 3 to Pat. He didn't want it so I took that as a sign that I should. Note to self again: limit my trips there!!
Where are the Piepers now? Galveston. TX
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