Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The extent of our celebrating....

We celebrated our anniversary with a take-out pizza from Minsky's.  It is a local KC pizzeria with 18 locations.  When we lived in Lee's Summit we loved to go Waldo Pizza for pizza and a glass of wine.  Each table had a box of trivia cards and we had fun entertaining ourselves with those until the pizza arrived.  They both have great pizza!  Pat said Minsky's was supposed to have arranged the pepperoni in a "42" configuration.  Do you see it?

As far as the day went, I had PT and a chiropractor visit, and we had to pick up some staples at Cosco.  Every week I get more exercises to fill my days. We did play a couple of games of gin rummy this afternoon.  I skunked Pat twice, but I'm sure he was letting me win because it was our anniversary. 😉

I try to walk a couple of miles around the Butterfly Trail each morning.  It's really a lovely park that is taken care of, and used by a lot of people.  It's been fun watching them add to it this year.  One day they added flag poles (no flags up yet) in the War Memorial area.  No butterflies yet, but I did see one of the new flowers blooming in one of the four gardens.  Don't remember if I mentioned that the butterfly gardens were an Eagle Scout Project.  Probably not, but it looks like more geese arrive daily.

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